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Eloquent Essentials Youth Scholarship Program (EEYSP) was established in 2016 to connect, build and provide support to (a) under-represented minorities (African American and Hispanic) pursuing the path of entrepreneurship and (b) youth mentoring programs with credible records of influential change. Mentorship and financial support are intricate parts of helping one succeed.  It is through our noble acts that tomorrow’s leaders can create their own legacy of success and generational wealth.


In 2017, Eloquent Essentials© by way of EEYSP honored its first recipients of the APOTTS and GEMS awards. The EEYSP Committee provided a total of four scholarships, two for each award. 




• The APOTTS Award (Ambitious Person Overtly Trying To Succeed) is in honor of Adrian Potts who embodied the characteristics necessary for each recipient. He lost his life at a young age but his legacy of wanting to change the world lives on through each beneficiary of this award.  The selected entrepreneur must display a young mogul mindset, present a kindred spirit and posses a strong passion to build their community while achieving success.



Eligibility Requirements for APOTTS Award 

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

• Must be African American or Hispanic and between the ages of 10 and 19

• Must maintain an overall "B" academic average (3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale)

• Must be a resident of the Tri-State Area (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut)

• Must have a social media platform and/or website marketing your business

• Must have at least one (1) year of community service

• Must submit two (2) letters of recommendation




• The GEMS Award (Greatly Enriched Mentorship Services) acknowledges mentoring organizations with an established track record of positive results. The organization must be an effective program that creates a safe and secure haven for children, displays proven cultivation of youth outside of their normal environment, provide resources for youth to achieve academic success as well as supply tools to help them navigate through life.



Eligibility Requirements for GEMS Award 

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

• Must be a 501c-3 organization

• Must operate within Tri State Area (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut)

• Must serve underrepresented minority youth

• Must have at least three (3) consecutive years of operation working with and cultivating youth




Scholarship Submission 

The scholarship will open each year on March 1st and will close on May 18th of the said year. Awardees will receive notification by June 2nd. Selection/Distribution of awards are made at the discretion of EEYSP Committee.



Application Package

Consideration will only be given to candidates submitting complete application packages which include:



For APOTTS: (1) completed application form (2) sealed academic transcript

(3) Community Service acknowledgement letter (4) small photo (5) Proof of residence/establishment within tri-state area


For GEMS: (1) completed application form (2) copy/proof of 501c-3 documentation small photo (3) Proof of residence/establishment within tri-state area (4) Business Card




Complete application packages MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN May 18th and submitted to the EEYSP Committee address listed below. Incomplete application packages will not be considered for scholarship



Mail Application to:

Eloquent Essentials

Attn:  EEYSP Committee

P.O. Box 471571

Brooklyn, NY 11247


In lieu of mailing, complete application packages may also be scanned and emailed* by the due date to  Please note that official documents requested must be mailed in as requested by due date.


NOTE:  *Files larger than 2.5 MB may need to be zipped or reduced to ensure delivery.





"Just as accessories compliment a person’s attire, so should a company compliment its community and those who represent tomorrow.”  

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